Friday, July 19, 2013


I realize that some of you will not recognize that movie quote. Imagine an Austrian girl, in the rain, after just having her first kiss with a boy we'll call "Rolfe." Okay, so I'm nowhere near Austria, I'm not 16 going on 17, nor was there a boy OR a kiss. But that's exactly the mood I'm currently in.

What a change one single phone call can make! I got a call near the end of this afternoon about that job I applied for in late June. Apparently the phone interview went well because they'd like to see me late Monday afternoon for a face-to-face.

I have homework, though. I have to take several assessments on how proficient I am on Microsoft Office Suite and how fast I type. I will do my best not to roll my eyes when I'm taking them. It doesn't matter who programs those lovely chestnuts, they always favor one way of using Office, but here's the catch: it could favor a) shortcut keys, b) right mouse clicks, or c) menus/ribbon. Oddly, these tests only allow for one right answer and until you answer a couple you're not sure what they're looking for. Since there's so many ways to do one type of thing, shouldn't it allow you to use your favorite rather than only theirs?

So, yes, it's possible that after all the testing that they may not want me. It's possible if they still want me that I may not accept. But for the moment, one blissful, happy weekend, I could dream of a job that I could start August 5th.

They said that out of the 200 resumes, I was number one "for what it's worth." I told them I was honored. I bet they say that to all the applicants, but it was sooooo nice to hear!

So, my weekend plans have expanded: grocery shopping (because I'm on my last roll of toilet paper...and I have no food), testing, and perhaps taking out the trash. I'm really hoping my super ecstatic cloud of happiness will help me NOT be sick all weekend. I may even get to add more things to the list, like "finish the next-to-last chapter."

You'll have to excuse me as I'm now going to pay attention to some children learning to sing with the help of their new governess.

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